abbinamenti cibo vino

What wine should you pair lentils with? The complete guide

vino abbinamento lenticchie

Lentils have their golden moment on New Year's Eve, because they are associated with prosperity and therefore good wishes, but more generally they are a nutritious and tasty food, simple to prepare and undoubtedly consumed all year round. They are very versatile, nutritious, delicious. Let's see how to pair them with wine for a respectable pairing .

Which wine should you pair lentils with? Here is an easy and complete guide, signed by Sommelier Wine Box.

Where do lentils come from?

Lentils are one of the oldest legumes in the history of humanity. They come from the Middle East, from the area between Syria and Iraq (the so-called fertile crescent), and according to some studies they date back to 7,000 BC

What nutritional power do lentils have?

Lentils are legumes rich in starch; from a nutritional point of view they are a treasure chest of carbohydrates, proteins, fibre, vitamins and minerals. Very little fat (1%).

What characteristics of lentils should be kept in mind when pairing them with wine?

Lentils are legumes rich in starch, not of great structure, an aspect that requires pairing them for concordance with wines that are not excessively full-bodied. From a flavor point of view, they are characterized by a slight sweet tendency and softness, characteristics that go well with dry wines with a certain alcohol content.

- Read also: how to pair food and wine

Lentils and wine pairings

Savory lentil pie, with duck breast and myrtle

Casseroles, savory pies and soufflés are a great challenge to combine due to the many components including cheese and puff pastry which give the dish infinite nuances. In a savory pie with duck breast and myrtle the flavors are characterized by the aromaticity of the myrtle and the leanness of the duck breast.

To be tried, among the whites, in combination with medium-bodied wines such as Soave Classico ; for a pairing with red wine , Etna rosso is excellent.

Mushroom and lentil soup

Mushrooms play an important role in this preparation, as they do not pair well with tannic wines or wines with herbaceous notes. Try it with a medium-bodied white wine like Greco di Tufo . To play with the aroma we recommend a Gewürztraminer . For those who love reds madly, Marzemino is excellent.

Pasta and lentils

The pasta reinforces the sweet tendency of the lentils, the result is that of a delicious, not very substantial dish, characterized by a delicate fatness. We propose a territorial pairing, with Grechetto , in honor of the diffusion of lentils in Umbria.

Stewed lentils

Excellent to serve alone, with bread, stewed lentils are the best-known and most widespread preparation of lentils. It is a tasty but delicate dish, which requires pairing with a not too structured wine. Also considering the presence of tomato, we recommend a dry white wine with reduced acidity, fruity and vegetal hints. Among the various possibilities: Sauvignon and Cirò Bianco .

Cotechino and lentils

Lentils are also perfect as a substantial side dish paired with cotechino (actually with any second course of meat or fish). The presence of cotechino has a decisive influence, given the intensity of the flavors and the fattiness of the cotechino. We therefore need a full-bodied red wine with degreasing power, sparkling or with high acidity. To try with Lambrusco , Pinot Noir , Merlot , Bonarda , Barbera .

Lentil burger

A second course that is sure to be a successful vegan dish is lentil burgers: a nutritious and tasty dish, as well as easy to prepare. There are two suggestions, a white and a red: Chardonnay and Dolcetto .

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