vini beverini

Wines of the Dolomites

Vini delle Dolomiti

Discovering new wine-growing territories is always interesting for a wine enthusiast, and if you find yourself at the foot of the Dolomites, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the discovery could also be interesting for planning a wine-related study trip!

We are talking about the Belluno area , a territory that starts from the Feltre area and reaches higher up to Cadore and Alpago, partly crossed by the river sacred to the homeland, the Piave , majestic along the Valbelluna. In reality they are places where viticulture was once practiced as a family subsistence activity, which then disappeared because the inhabitants preferred the security of factory work or emigration to other lands, bringing their winemaking knowledge there.

Today, thanks above all to young producers , there is an awakening, a renewal. There are three distinctive situations with respect to the varieties used: the valorisation of native vines such as the Pavana, Bianchetta, Gata and Incontro Manzoni vines; the use of international vines which at high altitudes find the possibility of expressing themselves in an elegant way such as merlot, pinot noir, chardonnay, riesling; the experimentation of resistant vines , bronner, solaris, cortis and souvigner gris which allow us to limit phytosanitary treatments so as not to impact the environment.

The vines grown at these altitudes, even up to 1000 metres, express themselves with characteristics of freshness and here we can really talk about "minerality": dolomite, the pink dolomitic rock left over the millennia by the retreat of the glaciers, but also the marl and limestone marly with a significant presence of flint and flint-bearing limestone characterizes the structure of the wines and gives them a gustatory impact that is not forgotten!

Here is our selection of wines from the Dolomites proposed in October 2021!

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There is no point in hiding, not all wines of the same price are the same , which is why we collaborate with great sommeliers to select only niche wineries and offer our customers the wines with the best quality/price on the market.