Tre Ciochè Erbaluce Di Caluso | Silva

Sale price€11,50

DENOMINATION: Erbaluce di Caluso DOCG

TYPE: white

GRAPE: Erbaluce di Caluso 100%

PROVENANCE: Italy, Piedmont



GLASS: medium-size glass

ALCOHOL: 12,5% vol.

FORMAT: 75 cl



FRESHNESS: ◼︎◼︎◼︎◻︎◻︎
BOSY: ◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◻︎
SAPIDITÀY: ◼︎◼︎◼︎◻︎◻︎
SOFTNESS: ◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◻︎



👁 transparent straw yellow, with some greenish reflections;

👃🏻 the nose is intensely fruity and slightly aromatic, with a prevalence of peach and melon and a yellow golden apple finish;

👄 on the palate it tastes full, it's warm and vigorous, and a good balance between hardness and softness. Fresh, it expresses beautiful sensations of bread crust and honey.


A fresh wine, which was born to be consumed young, and to be combined with foods of character, not too structured: excellent with fish in elaborate preparations and appetizers.


Grapes that grow on a vineyard located 350 meters above sea level, in the hilly area of the municipality of Agliè, with morainic and sandy soil. Hand picked in the first week of October. Soft pressing through vacuum press, thermo-conditioned fermentation and six months aging on the lees at 17° C.


its exuberance.



We are in Piedmont, in the Canavese area, where the vineyards are arranged on the southern slopes of a hilly area located in the north of Piedmont on the border with the Val d'Aosta and part of the province of Biella and Vercelli. The microclimate is mild, protected by the hills and by the presence of two rivers, Dora Baltea and Orco, as well as various lakes in the flat area.

The main vine of Canavese, still little known, is the Erbaluce di Caluso: an excellent Piedmontese white autochthonous grape: a very versatile white berried grape. It is possible to obtain still whites with good freshness and sapidity, fine and floral Classic Method sparkling wines and Passitos with a strong personality: three types united by floral scents and a pleasant almond note that remains after the sip.

The Canavese DOC embraces all the wines produced with the numerous vines grown in this corner of Piedmont. The cultivation techniques of the black berried grapes are based on espalier rows while for the white berried ones they are cultivated with a pergola, called "topia canavesana". This crop is complex and gives the environment a unique characteristic, leaving no possibility of mechanization for pruning or harvesting.

All Canavese wines are influenced by the mild temperature of the area, by the constant ventilation from the nearby Aosta Valley Alps and by strong temperature variations, especially in the period preceding the harvest. All types are characterized by excellent acidity and flavor, as well as low polyphenolic content. The range of wines is vast: from fresh white wines from Erbaluce, to perfumed rosés from Bonarda and Freisa grapes, to structured reds from Barbera, Croatina and Nebbiolo.


It was an ancestor of the family, who was called "Il Corazziere", who planted the first vines of Albaluce in 1820: at that time, this was the name of the typical variety of the area which is now called Erbaluce (di Caluso). From the Latin "alba lux" because at sunrise the grape is characterized by transparency and a lively and beautiful yellow color with green reflections.

Winemakers for three generations, producers since 1994, today it is Giovanni and Stefano - uncle and nephew - who carry on the Silva winery.

The Silva wines are born on 12 hectares of morainic hills, with the vineyards always exposed to the sun: the position is suggestive - the cellar borders to the east with the park of the ducal castle of Agliè and to the west with the bucolic places of lakes, hills, mountains and campaigns that inspired the poet of Agliè Guido Gozzano (1883-1916). In this context the Erbaluce di Caluso of the winery was born, the main vine of SIlva, worked by hand with extreme care for wines of the highest quality.

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