Tivitti | Cantine Barbera

Sale price€13,00

TYPE: white
GRAPE: inzolia 100%
ORIGIN: Italy, Sicily
: 4-5 years
: 8-10° C
GLASS: medium seized white wine glass
ALCOHOL: 12.5%
FORMAT: 75 cl



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👁 brilliant straw yellow with golden hues;

👃🏻 aromatic par excellence, in its broad and expressive bouquet one recognises hints of citrus fruits, almond blossom, broom and white peach;

👄 on the palate it is decidedly savoury, thanks to the marine minerals in which the vineyard soil is rich; elegant and persistent.


Simply perfect with fried prawns or seafood bavette, dishes that play with the wine's savouriness without covering the flavour of the sea.

For a vegan alternative, pair with boiled, baked or grilled vegetables, dressed with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and two drops of lemon.


From a vineyard planted in 2007 and pruned using the Guyot method, which has the ideal characteristics for growing Inzolia: it is located about 800 metres from the sea and has limestone soil rich in skeleton, a structure that allows the roots to go deep and absorb mineral salts and other nutrients.

Exposed to southerly and westerly winds that prevent moisture stagnation and protect against fungal diseases, the vineyard enjoys a special microclimate, influenced by its proximity to the sea and the salty air brought in by the sirocco. Vinification of the grapes in white, with a short pre-fermentation maceration, in steel. Spontaneous malolactic fermentation, completely carried out and maturation for 2 months on fine lees, again in steel.


its exuberance and sapidity.



Sicily is the southernmost region of Italy and the largest island in the Mediterranean. Around it there are several islands of volcanic origin, while the eastern part is characterised by the presence of Mount Etna.

The climate is predominantly Mediterranean, with hot summers and mild winters. In the coastal area, however, it is subtropical. The climate, in the presence of the high hills, from 500 metres above sea level, in the interior is milder and the average temperatures drop considerably.

Geologically, the Sicilian region belongs to the African plate. The only exception is the north-eastern part, that of Messina, which belongs to the Eurasian plate, formed by the Apennine-Maghreibian chain. The sliding of the African plate under the Eurasian plate has not only led to the creation of the island's mountainous reliefs, but also to frequent seismic activity, the causes of which are both tectonic and volcanic.

Inzolia is an ancient native Sicilian vine, introduced by the Greeks during colonisation in the 8th century BC. It is a vigorous vine, resistant to drought and brackish environments: due to these characteristics, it is suitable for cultivation along the coasts, where it develops its adaptability in an exemplary manner.

The Inzolia of the sea is very different from the one cultivated in the hills: along the coast, in the narrow strip of land where the influence of saltiness is greatest, it is able to absorb salt from the air and soil, and is enriched with a pronounced savouriness that compensates for the genetically low acidity values that are one of its characteristics. The sea produces, therefore, soft, fresh and flavoursome wines that convey the vibrant personality of the Menfi territory.


Marilena Barbera returns to Menfi after 15 years of study and work away from her homeland, drawn by a visceral bond with Sicily. She took over her father's business and began making her own wine, preserving tradition and interpreting it with creativity. He practices organic farming, with the utmost respect for the terroir: in the vineyard he does not use herbicides, chemical fertilisers or systemic products. In the cellar only spontaneous fermentation and non-invasive oenological practices, paying extreme attention to the personality of the grapes. Her wines are the distillate of a territory, interpreted by the strength of the ideas of a visionary winemaker.


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