Timox | The Carpini

Sale price€25,00

NAME: Colli Tortonesi DOC

TYPE: white

GRAPES: fearful 100%

ORIGIN: Italy, Piedmont

EVOLUTION: 4-5 years


RECOMMENDED GLASS: medium-sized white wine glass


FORMAT: 75 cl



FRESHNESS: ◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◻︎
BODY: ◼︎◼︎◼︎◻︎◻︎
FLAVOUR: ◼︎◼︎◼︎ ◼︎◻︎
SOFTNESS: ◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◻︎


👁 Intense golden yellow, slightly cloudy, tending towards orange over time;

👃🏻 pleasant notes of honey and candied fruit, mustard, spices, balsamic, intensely mineral and salty.

👄 on the palate it is warm, savory, soft and balanced. Of excellent persistence.


A fragrant and rich orange, which pairs well with everything you can eat raw. And then: hot vegetable, meat and fish soups, ramen, tempura. Excellent vegan solutions are minestrone and vegetable purees, legume soups, especially with mushrooms, rich dip, caponata.


An orange obtained from the maceration of Timorasso grapes in small ceramic amphorae. Paolo Ghislandi personally selects the most suitable grapes for maceration with a high permanent static cap, and then waits for time to finish the work, leaving the wine in the amphorae until bottling.

By tasting this wine you can fully appreciate the potential of the Timorasso grape vinified in its most extreme conditions; the sustained maceration followed by a period of maturation in a drained tank complete with a foil followed by partial elevation in a ceramic vase make this wine a truly extreme wine. The wine is bottled without filtration and will therefore be slightly cloudy. It is advisable to drink it after shaking the bottle first.


the character.



We are in the area of ​​the Tortonesi hills: a succession of cultivated fields, vineyards and orchards which represents a natural continuation of the Po Valley up to the complex mountain chain of Lower Piedmont, where the Alps give way to the Apennines.

There are many white grape varieties that make up the Tortona hills area: Cortese, Favorite, Müller-Thurgau, Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio, Riesling Italico, Riesling Renano, Barbera Bianca, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Sylvaner Verde and Timorasso. Timorasso, in particular, is a very rare - excellent - Piedmontese variety, native to the province of Alessandria saved from extinction by Walter Massa, from which aromatic and drinkable wines are obtained, also used in the distillation of grappa. Its production is limited, but of the highest quality. The wine made from Timorasso grapes (called Derthona, from the ancient name of the territory) is a real gem, highly appreciated by professionals.


In the south-east of Piedmont, south of the Gavi region, there are Tortona and the Colli Tortonesi. These reliefs are the cradle of one of the most fascinating native vines in Italy: timorasso. It is a grape that has the gift, like only a few others, of developing types of aromas and flavors of incredible complexity over the years. Paolo Carlo Ghislandi, manager and winemaker of the I Carpini company, is the man who gave life to Cascina di Pozzol Groppo as it is today. Purchased at the end of the nineties, Paolo Carlo dedicated months of study, of real listening , before designing the vineyards and cellar. The pedoclimatic characteristics in the farmhouse are excellent, but for wine production this was not enough: it was necessary to conceive a production system that adhered as closely as possible to the ideal conditions for the ripening of the grapes and for their transformation into wine. And so it was.

Paolo Carlo sees winemaking as a combination of art and nature and refers to his products as Art wines . It is no surprise that he works according to the dictates of organic viticulture, often following even more natural practices combined with the use of indigenous yeasts, low yields per hectare, few added sulphites, carefully controlled fermentations. The wines of I Carpini come to life in the glass, they are multifaceted, never banal, produced with universally known grapes such as Barbera or semi-unknown grapes such as Albarossa. And of course the Timorasso, the pivot around which the rebirth of the entire territory revolves, thanks to the intuitions of winemakers such as Paolo Carlo. A "local juice" where only the peculiarity of the vintage gives the stamp and uniqueness of each bottle. The wines of I Carpini take you by the hand and you have to abandon yourself to their aroma and flavour. Paolo Carlo often says: "it's the wine that decides when it's ready, let's leave it to it and wait for it without haste".

A natural, holistic approach towards the wine element, in its broadest and most territorial sense possible.

Customer Reviews

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Un esperienza strana

Prima volta che mi capita un vino di cui non sono soddisfatto del pacchetto sommelier wine box. Ma è statistica. Ad ogni modo questo vino ha una parvenza di vino liquoroso, ma non lo è. Un gusto molto strano che è andato troppo in contrasto con la cena di pesce e verdure che avevo preparato. Ho solo dopo visto che era consigliato l’abbinamento con pesce crudo o zuppe. Quindi posso essere io in errore. Ad ogni modo non mi è piaciuto e ho dovuto ahimè lasciarne lì una parte. Un gusto tanto complesso che non ha “avvinato” i miei gusti personali.