Rhenish Riesling reserve Campo Doctor Mon Carul | Calatroni

Sale price€24,50

NAME : Oltrepò Pavese DOC Riesling

TYPE : white

GRAPE VARIETY : 100% Rhine Riesling

ORIGIN : Italy, Lombardy

EVOLUTION : 2 years


RECOMMENDED GLASS : medium-sized glass

ALCOHOLIC CONTENT : 12.5% ​​vol.

FORMAT : 75 cl




FRESHNESS: ◼︎◼︎◼︎ ◼︎ ◻︎

BODY: ◼︎◼︎◼︎◻︎

FLAVOUR: ◼︎◼︎◼︎◻︎

SOFTNESS: ◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◻︎


👁 Intense yellow color with golden reflections.

👃🏻 Extremely complex aromas that reflect the characteristics of the grape variety and the winemaking method: hints of chamomile, saffron, dehydrated fruit and hydrocarbon notes emerge.

👄 On the palate it is intense and shows a perfect balance between softness and freshness.


This is a wine that fully expresses the taste-olfactory power of Rhenish riesling, and is absolutely to be paired with intensely flavored dishes to enhance the best traits of the wines. A good combination is with mature blue cheeses, alternatively for a more particular combination, you can try dishes based on onion and spices, such as shakshuka, a rich and tasty typical Middle Eastern dish.


The vineyard from which the grapes come was called "doctor's field" because around the mid-twentieth century the owner was the town doctor. The wine comes from a selection of only Rhenish Riesling grapes grown at an altitude of approximately 280 meters above sea level and vinified in steel with the aim of demonstrating all the power and elegance of the vineyard of origin. The harvest of the grapes takes place in two stages: 30% early and 70% at full ripeness: this technique allows to obtain a concentration of acidity necessary for aging. The permanence is only in steel tanks and, once ready, it rests for at least 2 years in the bottle. Campo Doctor always maintains a marked minerality even in the driest years thanks to the large temperature range from which the vineyard benefits and the copious quantity of limestone present in the soil.


Its intensity.



The company is located in the municipality of Montecalvo Versiggia in the province of Pavia: an area suited par excellence to the production of grapes and wine.

The viticultural history of the Oltrepò Pavese dates back at least 2000 years and has a vineyard area of ​​13,270 hectares, out of a regional total of 24,000, thus representing approximately 55% of the Lombardy vineyard area.

The territory is hilly with steep slopes that rise up to 1,700 meters above sea level in the first Apennines and more rounded ridges in the eastern area towards Piacenza. The Oltrepò hills offer a highly attractive landscape continuum and represent the third largest Italian area in terms of surface area almost entirely covered in vines and with predominantly denomination production.
The variety of the territory, the proximity of the sea and the presence of rivers and streams influence the climate, which is mild and temperate, with excellent excursions between night and day, especially in the summer period.


The Calatroni family has long been committed to the growth of the Oltrepò Pavese as a quality ecosystem, with a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing the territory as a whole and raising awareness among wine tourists on the topic of environmental and food sustainability.

Stefano with his winery wanted to create a brand dedicated to the native vines (Croatina, Barbera, Uva Rare, Moradella) and the most common non-native ones (Rhenish Riesling, Italic Riesling, Pinot Noir). A valorization project based on the precept of organic cultivation , on the use of energy from renewable sources and practices with reduced environmental impact .

Their wines, produced on clay-limestone soils particularly suited to the twenty hectares on the hills of Montecalvo Versiggia, are the excellent and natural result of this approach, which is expressed in a range of sparkling wines of the highest level.

The origin of the name Mon Carul comes from the translation from the dialect of Montecalvo, where the Roman word mons (mountain) and car (term with which the ancient Ligurians called this area) come together.

Since the 2019 vintage, the company has received organic certification and the ambition for the future is to increasingly enhance the native vines, fully understanding their peculiarities and potential, for a modern emphasis on deep roots in the past.

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