Etna Rosso Nardalici | Terre Di Giurfo

Sale price€23,00

Sicilia (IT)
Etna DOC
Nerello mascalese, Nerello cappuccio
Enjoy it within 4 years.
13% vol.

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Production and refinement

Manual harvest, in the first decade of October.
Red vinification with maceration of the skins for 15 days, in stainless steel, at controlled temperature.

The wine then undergoes refinement in stainless steel for several months, and finally in the bottle.

Organoleptic analysis

Visual exam

Of a beautiful bright ruby red color.

Olfactory examination

On the nose, it offers elegant aromas of red currant, raspberry, sour cherry, aromatic herbs, with floral hints and subtle spices.


The sip is slender, juicy, and fragrant, with fine tannins and harmonious fruit, leading to a fresh and good persistence finish.

Contents index

From the vineyard to the table: discover our wine

Ready for a journey to discover Etna Rosso Nardalici | Terre Di Giurfo ? We will now take you to delve deeper into every aspect of this exceptional wine through three key sections:


Come and learn about the history and values ​​of the winery which passionately grows and transforms grapes into wine


Immerse yourself in the land that gives life to these unique grapes, discovering the climate and terroir that influence its character


Get expert advice on the perfect pairings that will enhance both the wine and your meal

The winery

Country: Italy

Region: Sicily, Catania

Hectares of vineyards: 36

Terre di Giurfo

The company is located in an ancient and well-suited land that extends from Licodia Eubea to the Iblean province, along the valley of the Dirillo River.

Today it is managed by Achille, who, together with his family, works with the aim of achieving the highest quality both in the cellar and among the rows.

Terre di Giurfo

A strength lies in the heterogeneous terrain on which the company's vineyards are located, with altitudes ranging from 500 meters above sea level for the wines of the Iblean province to 600 meters above sea level for those obtained on Mount Etna. Traditional varieties such as Nero d'Avola, Frappato, and Nerello Mascalese have been cultivated using organic farming practices for several years. The wines are sincere and direct, just like the owner.

Region and territory

A land kissed by the sun


A land kissed by the sun


A land kissed by the sun


Sicilian wine territory is now considered a true continent, thanks to its pedoclimatic variability and rich biodiversity. It is located in the center of the Mediterranean and in the so-called "northern sunbelt," an area between the 30th and 50th parallels north and the 30th and 40th parallels south, where the best conditions of brightness and temperature for vine cultivation are found.

On the smaller islands, given the high temperatures and windy conditions, the typical training system is the "alberello" and its "mixed" versions (for example, on the island of Pantelleria), as well as the "Tendone" system. In the rest of Sicilian territory, however, more than half of the vineyards use espaliers and contre-espaliers. In Sicily, wines with a long history are born, such as Marsala, but also fragrant dessert wines like Passito di Pantelleria and Malvasia delle Lipari, not to mention Moscato di Noto and numerous robust red wines and interesting white wines. There's also Nerello Mascalese, climbing the slopes of Mount Etna.


Mount Etna is a wine region that offers unique wines in the world.
Thousands of years of powerful eruptions, complex transformations, and ongoing volcanic events have made the soil that hosts the vineyards the key element from which springs that exclusive and unparalleled complexity, essential for a wine, the Etna wine, increasingly famous worldwide.

In the Etna area, there are substantial microclimatic differences between one zone and another of the volcano, due to the particular position of Mount Etna and its morphology. The territory, the microclimate, the volcanic soil rich in minerals, together with the peculiarity of the native grape varieties, favor the production of unique wines.

Etna wine was the first Sicilian table wine to obtain recognition as a Controlled Designation of Origin (DOC).

Mount Etna, with its millennia-old history of eruptions and volcanic transformations, confers upon its wines a unique complexity in the world.

Recommended pairings and dishes

Matching by concordance

A fresh, fragrant wine with character that is well suited to be tasted in combination with intense, medium-bodied dishes that equalize the intensity of the wine: Sicilian cuisine is rich in it.
The light spicy note can also be paired by analogy: try it with dishes seasoned with spices.

Matching by contrast

The sapidity of the wine can be successfully contrasted, if you like them, with dishes with a slight sweet tendency.

It pairs well with

White meats, seasoned first courses, cheeses, cured meats, fish in rich preparations.

Matching by concordance

A fresh, fragrant wine with character that is well suited to be tasted in combination with intense, medium-bodied dishes that equalize the intensity of the wine: Sicilian cuisine is rich in it.
The light spicy note can also be paired by analogy: try it with dishes seasoned with spices.

Matching by contrast

The sapidity of the wine can be successfully contrasted, if you like them, with dishes with a slight sweet tendency.

It pairs well with

White meats, seasoned first courses, cheeses, cured meats, fish in rich preparations.

Sicilian-style Swordfish

Slices of swordfish stuffed with breadcrumbs, parsley, garlic, raisins, and pine nuts, baked in the oven with tomatoes and capers, optionally accompanied by eggplants... a flavorful dish with excellent aromatic intensity that makes you dream of the mythical Sicily.

Cous cous di verdure e pesce

A healthy one-dish meal, rich in aromas and flavors, and also low in calories and quick to prepare. For truly delicious lunches.

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