Coda delle Foce | Barbera cellars

Sale price€23,00

NAME: Menfi DOC Riserva
: red
GRAPE VARIETY : Nero d'Avola 100%
ORIGIN : Italy, Sicily
DEVELOPMENT : 7-8 years
FORMAT : 75 cl



FRESHNESS : ◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◻︎
BODY : ◼︎◼︎◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎
FLAVOUR : ◼︎◼︎◼︎ ◼︎ ◻︎
SOFTNESS : ◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◻︎
TANNICITY : ◼︎◼︎◼︎ ◼︎ ◼︎


👁 Impenetrable ruby ​​with intense purple reflections;

👃🏻 The fruity notes are enriched by the pleasant and fresh nuances of the Mediterranean scrub, floral notes of rose and violet, which fade into fruity and finely spiced tones of jam.

👄 Complex, elegant, harmonious and powerful. Savory, with fine and soft tannins, it envelops the palate, is persistent and surprises with a pleasant sensation in the finish.


An important red, ideal with braised and spiced red meats, stews, game, long-aged spicy cheeses.

Marilena Barbera also tastes it with dark chocolate.


Pure Nero d'Avola grown on clayey soils of alluvial origin. Maceration on the skins for 2 weeks in steel, with frequent pumping over and déléstage; spontaneous fermentation, with wild yeasts; spontaneous malolactic fermentation. It refines in large untoasted Slavonian oak barrels for at least 2 years, which can last up to 4.
3,000 bottles a year, when it is produced, i.e. only in the best years.



Sicily is the southernmost region of Italy, as well as the largest island in the Mediterranean. Around there are various islands of volcanic origin, while the eastern part is characterized by the presence of Etna.
The climate is predominantly Mediterranean, with hot summers and mild winters. In the coastal area however, it is subtropical. The climate in the interior, in the presence of the high hills, from 500 meters above sea level, is milder and with notable decreases in average temperatures.

From a geological point of view, the Sicilian region belongs to the African plate. The only exception is for the north-eastern part, that of Messina, which belongs to the Eurasian one, made up of the Apennine-Maghreibi chain. The sliding of the African plate under the Eurasian one has determined not only the creation of the island's mountainous reliefs, but also the presence of frequent seismic activities, the causes of which are both tectonic and volcanic.

In particular, with the Barbera cellars we are in the Menfi DOC wine area, one of the most interesting areas of Sicily. A place on the border between the Phoenician and Greek worlds, it is the scene of precious biodiversity in an uncontaminated corner of Sicily. We are in the province of Agrigento, where, braving the sirocco wind that blows from nearby Africa, reed beds, sand dunes, dwarf palms, olive groves and vineyards that extend for approximately 6,000 hectares dominate.

From a pedoclimatic point of view, the DOC area is the result of the combination and interaction of the typical soils of the area (alluvial plains, marine terraces, clayey slopes and hills and marly limestone) and the soils (calcareous, silty, clayey, medium texture , sandy as well as all naturally mixed soils) which constitute a unique landscape, characterized decisively by a typically Mediterranean climate, temperatures constantly above freezing, even in the winter period, with precipitation concentrated in autumn and winter, hot and dry summers but adequately ventilated and sunny for an environment particularly suited to the cultivation of vines. Here both native varieties (inzolia, catararatto, grecanico, nero d'avola) and great international wines (chardonnay, cabernet franc, cabernet sauvignon, merlot) are grown.


Marilena Barbera returns to Menfi after 15 years of studying and working away from her homeland, drawn by a visceral bond with Sicily. He takes over his father's company and begins making his own wine, preserving tradition and interpreting it with creativity. He practices organic farming, with the utmost respect for the terroir: he does not use herbicides, chemical fertilizers or systemic products in the vineyard. In the cellar only spontaneous fermentations and non-invasive winemaking practices, paying extreme attention to the personality of the grapes. Its wines are the distillate of a territory, interpreted by the strength of the ideas of a visionary winemaker.

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