Carignano Del Sulcis Russu | Lots of Joy

Sale price€17,00

Sardinia (IT)
Carignano del Sulcis DOC
Carignan 100%
Taste it within 6 years
13% vol.

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Production and refinement

The pure native Carignano selected and harvested by hand, in a vineyard 250 meters above sea level ungrafted, composed of 80% sand, 20% clay. Production is limited.

Vinification carried out by natural fermentation in steel, and further refinement in steel.

Organoleptic analysis

Visual exam

Of a beautiful intense red color tending towards garnet.

Olfactory examination

On the nose it expresses enveloping and complex aromas, with fruity, earthy notes and an intriguing hint of myrtle and spices.


In the mouth it has nice spicy returns, very elegant tannins, and is persistent. With a glass of Russu you can relive the feeling of when you reach Sardinia and are overwhelmed by the scent of Mediterranean scrub and sunny paths.

Contents index

From the vineyard to the table: discover our wine

Ready for a journey to discover Carignano Del Sulcis Russu | Lots of Joy ? We will now take you to delve deeper into every aspect of this exceptional wine through three key sections:


Come and learn about the history and values ​​of the winery which passionately grows and transforms grapes into wine


Immerse yourself in the land that gives life to these unique grapes, discovering the climate and terroir that influence its character


Get expert advice on the perfect pairings that will enhance both the wine and your meal

The winery

Country: Italia

Region: Sardegna, Sud Sardegna

Hectares of vineyards: 7

Tanca Gioia Carloforte

Da anni, Carlo e Umberto frequentavano l'isola di San Pietro e sognavano di coltivare una vigna con vitigni storici autoctoni come il Bovaleddu, il Nasco aromatico e il Carignano. Finalmente, nel 2003, il loro sogno è diventato realtà con la costituzione della società e il primo impianto su un terreno di origine vulcanica e sabbiosa, che ha consentito la coltivazione a “piede franco”, permettendo di percepire integralmente le caratteristiche delle uve.

Il progetto è nato in barca a vela da un gruppo di amici che hanno abbandonato le comodità per dedicarsi all'amore per la terra. Il nome è un omaggio all'isola tunisina, un tempo sotto il controllo genovese, da cui provengono molti pescatori che dovettero poi abbandonarla. L'azienda possiede 7 ettari di vigneti sull'isola di San Pietro, in Sardegna.

Tanca Gioia Carloforte

L'isola, di origine vulcanica e costantemente battuta dal vento, dal leggero al forte maestrale, è ricca di aree naturali che ospitano molte specie di uccelli migratori, tra cui i fenicotteri rosa. I vigneti fondano le proprie radici su suoli sabbiosi e secchi, permettendo l'uso di viti a piede franco per una qualità estrema. Il vento marino e il suolo sabbioso conferiscono ai vini una spiccata mineralità e sapidità.

La filosofia in vigna è chiara: limitare al minimo gli interventi umani, utilizzare trattamenti tradizionali e irrigare solo quando strettamente necessario. Ogni annata riflette il sole, il vento e la pioggia che le piante hanno vissuto. Questa filosofia si estende anche alla scelta di ripiantare solo vitigni autoctoni, come il Carignano del Sulcis, il Bovale Piccolo, il Nasco Aromatico, il Moscato di Calasetta e il Vermentino di Sardegna, ciascuno coltivato come un frutto unico.

Region and territory

From white to red wines, the ideal wine journey through Sardinia also involves less common types


From white to red wines, the ideal wine journey through Sardinia also involves less common types


From white to red wines, the ideal wine journey through Sardinia also involves less common types


Vine cultivation was introduced to Sardinia by the Phoenicians between the 8th and 7th centuries BC, and to this day, the names of some Sardinian villages recall the vine and its fruit. Subsequently, with the collapse of the Roman Empire, trade related to viticulture loosened, and the wine sector remained in anonymity for centuries, until the introduction of Iberian grape varieties at the end of the 15th century and the Savoy domination, when the fortunes of viticulture were revived.

Since 1949, after obtaining administrative independence, many cooperative wineries have emerged, paving the way for quality wine in Sardinia.

In Sardinia, the vineyard is an integral part of the landscape, playing an important role in a region where the particular soil composition and exposures allow for the production of high-quality wines.

The most important denominations in Sardinia are Vermentino di Gallura (DOCG), Cannonau di Sardegna (DOC), and Vernaccia di Oristano (DOC).

The only DOCG and the 17 DOCs account for 66% of the wine produced in Sardinia, while the IGTs, in which native grapes are often combined with international varieties, account for 15% of production.


The region of Carignano del Sulcis lies between the last mountain foothills of southwestern Sardinia and the sea. It was probably the Phoenicians, founders of the ancient Solci on the island of Sant'Antioco, who introduced the Carignano grape to Sardinia.

The vine cultivation area extends over approximately 1700 hectares, and Carignano can be considered one of the most important wines in Sardinian oenology. Carignano's resistance to salty winds from the sea has allowed its cultivation mainly on the sandy, warm, and sunny soils of Sulcis, which, thanks to low yields, give the wine vigor, richness in extract, and aromas.

From the perfect balance between climate, soil, and this elegant grape variety comes a wine with an intense ruby color tending towards garnet, with warm and enveloping aromas of plums and sour cherries, sweet spices and chocolate, licorice, and black pepper.

On the palate, it is aristocratic and balanced with soft tannins of rare elegance. Recognized in 1977 as a Controlled Designation of Origin wine, it is marketed under the name Carignano del Sulcis.

Between the mountains and the sea of Sardinia lies the secret of Carignano del Sulcis: an aristocratic wine born from the perfect balance between sandy soils, climate, and ancient Phoenician grape varieties.

Recommended pairings and dishes

Matching by concordance

Spicy and rightly tannic, it accompanies all traditional Sardinian dishes. The body and ample aromas require matching by concordance, with fragrant and intense dishes. You can also play with spices, combining it with slightly spicy preparations too.

Matching by contrast

A fresh and spicy red, which also goes well with slightly greasy preparations, which cleans up perfectly, leaving the mouth ready for the next bite.

It pairs well with

Red meats and mushrooms, mature cheeses, rich pastas including spaghetti alla carlofortina, tasty fish in important preparations such as grilled tuna, stewed tuna, roast tuna.

Matching by concordance

Spicy and rightly tannic, it accompanies all traditional Sardinian dishes. The body and ample aromas require matching by concordance, with fragrant and intense dishes. You can also play with spices, combining it with slightly spicy preparations too.

Matching by contrast

A fresh and spicy red, which also goes well with slightly greasy preparations, which cleans up perfectly, leaving the mouth ready for the next bite.

It pairs well with

Red meats and mushrooms, mature cheeses, rich pastas including spaghetti alla carlofortina, tasty fish in important preparations such as grilled tuna, stewed tuna, roast tuna.

Roast in the Oven

A classic main course for festive occasions, simple and quite quick to prepare, tender and rich in flavor.

Baked pasta

A traditional Italian dish rich in flavors and creamy in texture. The beef ragu and béchamel sauce provide intense and ample aromas, perfect for festive dinners.

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