Category_Magazine>Vignaioli Speciali

Laura Rizzotto, Balestri Valda - Veneto

Balestri Valda

My idea of ​​viticulture is based on a profound respect for natural balance. Here is my cellar, Balestri Valda.

So no to the use of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers. Yes to biodiversity, protection of native vines and beekeeping in the vineyard. Where vineyards, flowers, woods and orchards coexist, bees also find a happy home.

Respect for biodiversity is reflected in my daily choices. In the nineties - against the trend of the time - my father Guido had already decided not to plant vines on the entire company surface but to keep some hectares of forest intact; Many species of wild animals find shelter in it, and today even our bees take refuge there to stock up on propolis and honeydew...

Over the years - from my 22nd birthday to today - I have created an orchard with ancient varieties of fruit now in extinction, including medlars, jujubes, pomegranates, rare varieties of apple trees and pears from the Venetian foothills. Added to these are approximately 300 olive trees, also managed according to the principles of organic farming.

And finally beekeeping , a real obsession for me. Every day I feel grateful for everything that bees give us and teach us; saving them is the least we can do. These wonderful and delicate insects are fundamental for life on earth but risk disappearing due to pesticides, especially in areas with a high density of intensive monocultures.

Honey is always included in the tasting process together with our wines, allowing us to explain to everyone how important it is to save bees.

Laura Rizzotto

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