The history of my winery begins in San Felice del Molise at the beginning of the nineties, thanks to the intuition of the agronomist Michele Tanno, who pushed me to recover the only truly native vine of our land, which had almost disappeared at the time: Tintilia.
I planted the first five hectares of vineyard in 1998, a seemingly crazy choice at the time, given the investment in a product with low yields. The cellar was built in 2003, and after a couple of years, the first bottlings.
Today there are 15 hectares of vineyards in total, cultivated entirely organically. At almost 600 meters above sea level I cultivate my vineyards and produce my wine, every day with the same intensity and care as at the beginning.
Today, almost 30 years later, I am proud to have invested in the rediscovery of Tintilia, one of the most important choices in the Italian and, in my opinion, European wine scene, which over the years has also been the subject of important studies by the University of Molise.
Tintilia, in fact, is the wine that best represents our magnificent land, a landscape that is largely still uncontaminated and with so much potential, which offers this grape the ideal context to give the best of itself and characterize itself in such a clear way freshness and longevity.
Claudio Cipressi