Category_Magazine>Vignaioli Speciali

Alessandro Contini - Sardinia

Azienda Agricola Contini

First our great-grandfather Salvatore, then our grandfather Attilio, today our uncle Paolo and my cousin Mauro: the Contini winery has grown and matured like the wines and successes that have made it great, through the passion and commitment of four generations.

For almost 120 years a single common thread, the Vernaccia di Oristano, has characterized the work of our company. Then, over the years, Vernaccia was added from other important productions: the historic Nieddera vine, the traditional ones Vermentino and Cannonau, successful experiments like Karmis, the Attilio and the organic Mamaioa. Today the company produces a complete range of wines with which it is present in Italy and abroad.

We try to continue to evolve, both in techniques of winemaking than in ideas . Maybe this is why Contini wines they resist time: they are wines that they love and will remember forever .

Alessandro Contini

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We create wine itineraries to discover extraordinary wines, territories and cellars, telling their stories and secrets.

There is no point in hiding, not all wines of the same price are the same , which is why we collaborate with great sommeliers to select only niche wineries and offer our customers the wines with the best quality/price on the market.