Category_I nostri sommelier

Simone Vergamini: 1st place at the 2015 Sagrantino Grand Prix and in the 2016 Sangiovese Master

Simone Vergamini: 1° posto al Gran Premio del Sagrantino 2015 e nel Master del Sangiovese 2016

Simone Vergamini, leading a stage dedicated to the wines of Lucca.

To guide Stage #27 of the Sommelier Wine Box (June 2020) we turned to Simone Vergamini , who told us his story:

“My passion for wine was born more than twenty years ago, a bit by chance – or by destiny as I like to think – thanks to the assiduous frequenting of restaurants, my other great passion. AIS Sommelier since 2012, the diploma was a starting point for new experiences. Since then I have obtained certifications from the Italian Sommelier Association, created my blog Wineafterwine and started a journey made up of travel, events and competitions (still carrying out my previous job).

I owe a lot to the competitions in terms of personal and professional growth: 1st place at the Sagrantino Grand Prix 2015 and in the Sangiovese Master 2016, vice champion of Tuscany for 4 consecutive editions and 3rd at the Best Sommelier of Italy 2018, as well as others important national placings. In 2017 I left my previous profession to fully pursue my passion and created my own company to offer my skills through consultancy and training services in the world of wine. The following year my small online wine shop, Uvaggio.

Like wine, I am constantly evolving and I study every day to improve myself!”

Simone Vergamini

If you've read this far, you're one of us!

So let's tell you a few words about Sommelier Wine Box

We create wine itineraries to discover extraordinary wines, territories and cellars, telling their stories and secrets.

There is no point in hiding, not all wines of the same price are the same , which is why we collaborate with great sommeliers to select only niche wineries and offer our customers the wines with the best quality/price on the market.