Category_I nostri sommelier

Simone Loguercio - best sommelier in Italy 2018

Simone Loguercio sommelier

SIMONE LOGUERCIO, best sommelier in Italy 2018, led a stage to discover the "Cilento of wine"

We started the year off great! To guide Stage #22 of the Sommelier Wine Box (January 2020) we turned to the best sommelier in Italy, the legendary Simone Loguercio , best sommelier in Italy 2018 , who told us his story:

“Cilento by birth, Tuscan by adoption, Florence is my home: the place where wine and mixology have become my passion and my work. Curious, extroverted, it is perhaps because of my aggressive attitude that they call me "Pirate"...

I love wine and open spaces, I hate hypocrisies and I love bubbles.

I come from the world of architecture and I approached wine by chance, while working behind a bar counter. It was a real love at first sight, a sort of call, attraction: I was fascinated to discover how much is hidden behind a bottle of wine. Then the AIS Sommelier course in 2014, AIS Taster in 2017 and the world of competitions, which led me in just over a year to conquer the Master of Lambrusco, the Master of Sagrantino, Best Sommelier of Tuscany and Best Sommelier of Tuscany Italy . I couldn't ask for more..."

Simone Loguercio

If you've read this far, you're one of us!

So let's tell you a few words about Sommelier Wine Box

We create wine itineraries to discover extraordinary wines, territories and cellars, telling their stories and secrets.

There is no point in hiding, not all wines of the same price are the same , which is why we collaborate with great sommeliers to select only niche wineries and offer our customers the wines with the best quality/price on the market.