Category_I nostri sommelier

Alessia Taffaril

sommelier Alessia Taffarel


To guide Stage #28 of the Sommelier Wine Box (July 2020) we turned to sommelier Alessia Taffaril , who told us her story:

“I grew up very close to the world of hospitality and very far from that of wine. The rush to grow and have responsibilities takes me from the seasons in the mountains to the hotel school, and there my eyes recognized the path I wanted to face.

My stay in France, in a great restaurant, then opened up a wonderful world to me. Wine brought me not only notions and knowledge but also a better vision of the world.

Now, for a few years I have been assistant maitre d' and sommelier in a starred restaurant in Milan, where I can dedicate myself to hospitality and wine: for me they have always been two paths with the same slope.”

Alessia Taffaril

If you've read this far, you're one of us!

So let's tell you a few words about Sommelier Wine Box

We create wine itineraries to discover extraordinary wines, territories and cellars, telling their stories and secrets.

There is no point in hiding, not all wines of the same price are the same , which is why we collaborate with great sommeliers to select only niche wineries and offer our customers the wines with the best quality/price on the market.