The impact of the pandemic was impressive and had a strong impact on production areas and the social sphere. We asked ourselves what the impact on the world of wine has been on the consumer side, and to answer this we conducted research, the results of which we are pleased to present now.
Let's see what has changed in wine consumption since March 2020.
The search for Sommelier Wine Box
At the beginning of 2021 we at Sommelier Wine Box conducted research on a sample of around 700 people .
The analysis of the evidence collected through a questionnaire allowed us to delve into various aspects related to the impact of the pandemic on wine consumption, to analyze not only how wine consumption changed during the lockdown, but also to try to understand the scope of these changes for the future.
Pandemic and wine consumption: the trends
These are some of the main trends that emerged from the research:
The frequency of wine consumption varies with the arrival of the lockdown for 59% of the sample. Analyzing this data, it emerges that those who were used to drinking less were more affected by the lockdown, having increased their wine consumption, while where consumption was frequent and stable since pre-lockdown, the frequency tends to remain stable.
Confirmation comes from the occasions for consuming wine: 61% of those who consumed little wine before March 2020 declared that their occasions have changed during the confinement, while in the group of those who drank little, 92% have changed.
On places of consumption : those who consumed wine before the lockdown, especially in bars and restaurants, during the lockdown began to consume a lot of it, especially at dinner.
50% of respondents recorded changes in purchasing behavior either because they started purchasing online or because they increased their purchasing volume. There is absolute parity, in percentage, among those who started purchasing online during the lockdown: 28% of female respondents and 28% of male respondents. And another gender fact: among the over 40s who started buying wine online during the lockdown, more women than men, in percentage, continue with this habit even afterwards.
On the purchasing channel, a preference for e-commerce and online wine clubs is evident. The average use of purchases through online shopping is low (14%), a figure that indicates that wine is considered a consumer good different from normal food, and that many prefer to buy it separately, on specialized, well-stocked and managed by experts.
The quality of the online shopping experience is judged very positively by Italians. Among the advantages, the most important is the possibility of discovering new wineries, followed by the wide range of choice. Interestingly, the possibility of finding better offers receives a low rating, a fact that defines a profile of online wine buyers who are mature and constantly looking for valuable experiences.
Wine enthusiasts appreciate the online purchasing channel more than those who drink less.
If you want to learn more, download our full report ⤵️