rimedi sbornia

All hangover remedies

Tutti i rimedi contro la sbornia

The hangover brings with it headaches, nausea, feelings of tiredness and difficulty sleeping. Here are some natural hangover remedies.

The pleasure of tasting has nothing to do with abuse , which should always be avoided. But if it happens, here are some tips for recovering quickly.

The scientific research on hangovers is complex, but there are natural remedies you can implement. Let's see them together.

Hangover effects

The effects of a hangover cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance on the body, irritation of the stomach and intestines, lowering of blood sugar levels, alteration of biological rhythms including that of sleep. So: headache, nausea, feelings of tiredness and difficulty sleeping. And probably a few too many messages to the ex-partner.

Hangover remedies

The 10 golden rules tips for recovering from a hangover.

1. Hangover Remedies: Rehydrating is the first step.

So go ahead to consume natural water , in abundance.

2. Hangover Remedies: Lemon

The properties of Mediterranean citrus species are reported in ancient, medieval and sixteenth-century sources. Contemporary research also seems to confirm that lemons help relieve hangover symptoms. Therefore, freshly squeezed lemon juice is welcome.

3. Hangover Remedies: Ginger

Ginger is another natural remedy against hangovers, particularly effective for counteracting nausea and stomach acidity. It can be taken by chewing the root directly or preparing a ginger-based herbal tea.

4. Hangover Remedies: Honey

Especially if you opt for ginger-based herbal tea, add lemon and honey . The latter provides effective antioxidants useful for counteracting free radicals produced by excess alcohol.

5. Hangover Remedies: Vitamins

Fructose reduces the intensity of hangovers, so fresh fruit or natural juices, prepared at home, are highly recommended.

6. Hangover Remedies: Avocado, Bananas, Apricots, Coconut Water, Swiss Chard

Because they are foods rich in potassium, which control muscle spasms and weakness. Potassium levels, in fact, can be low after a hangover, contributing to the feeling of exhaustion of the hangover. The goal, here, is to rebalance the lost minerals.

7. Hangover Remedies: Complex Carbohydrates

Foods such as bread, toast and crackers are useful for relieving nausea.

8. Hangover Remedies: Mint

Mint has digestive properties that help get rid of the after-effects of excessive drinking, promoting digestion.

9. Hangover Remedies: Sleep

The sleep deprivation that sometimes accompanies a hangover has a very negative impact on recovery: get as much sleep as possible.

10. Hangover remedies: give yourself time

Time is a key component, because hangover symptoms tend to diminish between 8 and 24 hours.

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