Category_Abbonamento vini

10 reasons to give wine as a gift - Semi-serious guide to your gifts

Regalare vino a Natale

Christmas, Easter, birthdays, name days... all occasions are good for giving wine as a gift.
Here are our 10 reasons why giving a bottle of wine as a gift is a great idea.

Here are the (top) 10 reasons why we think giving wine as a gift is the solution.

  1. It is a classic gift , which if chosen with care can be innovative and of which you can be proud. Chic but not snobbish
  2. Giving wine as a gift is both a material and spiritual action
  3. Wine is a gift that can be sought after and expensive but also within the reach of all budgets . Based on needs, preferences, historical moment, mood...
  4. If you give abubble , the gift is also good luck for the new year: the classic 'bang' chases away evil spirits...
  5. Giving wine as a gift makes you happy twice : when you receive it and when you uncork it
  6. It's fine for enthusiasts but if you look hard enough there's always a bottle of wine to amaze even the most hardened connoisseurs
  7. It is a gift to share , which multiplies the happiness of having received it
  8. It allows you to tell a thousand stories , especially if the bottle is offered by Sommelier Wine Box
  9. It will never be a gift left in a corner : if you haven't guessed the tastes it will be given to others. With ease and satisfaction for everyone
  10. And then you don't need to wrap it

And if you're short of ideas, Sommelier Wine Box has thought of everything!

If you've read this far, you're one of us!

So let's tell you a few words about Sommelier Wine Box

We create wine itineraries to discover extraordinary wines, territories and cellars, telling their stories and secrets.

There is no point in hiding, not all wines of the same price are the same , which is why we collaborate with great sommeliers to select only niche wineries and offer our customers the wines with the best quality/price on the market.